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◂  July 2015

Livanta Webinar



Livanta, the beneficiary Quality Improvement Organization for Vermont is hosting a webinar.


Attendee Instructions:

  1. Click or Copy and Paste this URL to your web browser:
  2. This should bring you to the QualityNet e-University webpage
  3. Locate the event you wish to join and click “Join” (located to the right of the event title)
  4. Enter your name and email address as prompted
  5. Enter the password: Livanta
  6. The automatic system set-up should start at this point. If a dialogue box appears, click run. Please note, the automatic system set-up does take a few minutes to complete
  7. Dial in to the teleconference. The number is 218-548-4675. The access code is 251586.

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